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★ 团队负责人简介:

贾新春,1964年2月生。工学博士、教授、博士生导师。现为山西大学自动化与软件学院院长、智能控制计算研究所研究团队负责人。1988年毕业于中国科学院系统科学研究所,获理学硕士学位。2003年毕业于西安交通大学控制科学与控制工程专业,获工学博士学位。1995年晋升副教授,2001年晋升教授。在国内外重要学术期刊和国内外学术会议上发表了100余篇学术论文,其中在《ieee trans. syst., man, cybern. part b》、《inf. sci.》、《ieee trans. cybernetics》、《fuzzy sets and syst.》、《iet control theory and applications》、《int. j. robust nonlinear control》、《int. j. fuzzy syst.》、《自动化学报》国内外重要学术期刊发表30余篇。参加了西安交通大学郑南宁院士主持的第一批国家创新研究群体科学基金项目。主持了4项国家自然科学基金项目,主持1项山西省重点研发计划,主持并完成了5项山西省自然科学基金项目。参加了国家基金委的“十五”期间我国自动化科学发展动态与战略调研软课题的组织、调研和撰写工作。参加的国家自然科学基金项目“梁振动分布参数系统的控制理论及应用”获得2001年度山西省科技进步二等奖。主要从事模糊控制、网络控制系统、多智能体系统、传感器网络应用等方面的研究工作。

★ 团队研究方向:





★ 代表性科研项目:








(8) 非三角时滞非线性系统的齐次稳定性与控制研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017.1-2019.12,主持





★ 奖励









★ 专利



(3)杨波,张敏敏,贾新春。 一种基于gps定位的无线传感器网络滑坡监测系统,实用新型;











(14)杨波,郭璐瑶,闫腾飞,王建荣。 防溜器手柄,实用新型。

★ 代表性论文

[1] xin-chun jia, shuangshuang gao*, xiu you, bin li. output consensus of herogeneous multi-agent systems with a multi-sensor multi-rate sampling mechanism. journal of the franklin institute, 2020, 357(17):12640-12669.

[2] yanpeng guan, chen peng*. a hybrid transmission scheme for networked control systems. isa transactions, 2020, 96:155–162.

[3] xiaobo chi*, xinchun jia*, fangqin cheng, maohong fan. networked h∞ filtering for takagi-sugeno fuzzy systems under multi-output multi-rate sampling. journal of the franklin institute. 2019, 356:3661–3691.

[4] weiwei ma, xin-chun jia*, fuwen yang, dawei zhang. an impulsive switched system approach to aperiodic sampled-data systems with time-delay control. international journal of robust and nonlinear control. 2018, 28:2484-2494.

[5] zhen-guo liu, yu-qiang wu*. universal strategies to explicit adaptive control of nonlinear time-delay systems with different structures. automatica, 2018, 89:151-159.

[6] yanpeng guan, qing-long han*, xiaohua ge. on asynchronous event-triggered control of decentralized networked systems. information sciences, 2018, 425:127-139.

[7] xinchun jia*, xiaobo chi, qing-long han, nanning zheng. event-triggered fuzzy h∞ control for a class of nonlinear networked control systems using a membership function deviation approach. information sciences, 2014, 259:100-117.

[8] dawei zhang, qing-long han*, xinchun jia. network-based output tracking control for t-s fuzzy systems using an event-triggered communication scheme. fuzzy sets and system. 2015, 273:26-48.

[9] dawei zhang*, zhiyong zhou, xinchun jia. networked fuzzy output feedback control for discrete-time takagi-sugeno fuzzy systems with sensor saturation and measurement noise. information sciences, 2018, 457-458:182-194.

[10] dawei zhang*, zhiyong zhou, xinchun jia. network-based pi control for output tracking of continuous-time systems with time-varying sampling and network-induced delays. journal of the franklin institute, 2018, 355(12):4794-4808.

[11] bo liu*, xinchun jia. new absolute stability criteria for uncertain lur’e systems with time-varying delays. journal of the franklin institute, 2018, 355(9): 4015-4031.

[12] dawei zhang, qing-long han*, xinchun jia. observer-based h∞ output tracking control for networked control systems. international journal of robust and nonlinear control, 2014, 24(17): 2741-2760.

[13] lei li*, xinchun jia, jiankang liu. stabilization of an euler-bernoulli beam equation via a corrupted boundary position feedback, applied mathematics and computation, 2015, 270: 648-653.

[14] xinchun jia*, dawei zhang, xinghua hao, nanning zheng. fuzzy h tracking control for nonlinear networked control systems in t-s fuzzy model.  ieee trans. syst., man, cybern. b, cybern. , 2009, 39(4):1073-1079.

[15] dawei zhang, qing-long han*, xinchun jia. network-based output tracking control for a class of t-s fuzzy systems that can not be stabilized by non-delayed output feedback controllers.  ieee trans.  cybernetics , 2015, 45(8): 1511-1524.

[16] xin-chun jia*, weiwei ma, fuwen yang, dawei zhang. matching mechanism for networked control systems with multirate sampling. , 2017, 11(16): 2848-2857.

[17] weiwei ma, xin-chun jia*, dawei zhang. networked continuous-time filtering for quadratically inner-bounded time-delay systems with multirate sampling. journal of the franklin institute, 2017, 354: 7946–7967.

[18] yanpeng guan, xiaohua ge*, distributed attack detection and secure estimation of networked cyber-physical systems against false data injection attacks and jamming attacks, ieee transactions on signal and information processing over networks, 2018, 4(1): 48-59.

[19] dawei zhang*, yanping yang, xinchun jia, qing-long han. investigating the positive effects of packet dropouts on network-based h∞ control for a class of linear systems. journal of the franklin institute, 353: 3343-3367, 2016.

[20] zhen-guo liu*, yu-qiang wu, zong-yao sun, output feedback control for a class of high-order nonholonomic systems with complicated nonlinearity and time-varying delay, journal of the franklin institute, 2017, 354: 4289–4310.

[21] bo liu*, xiuli ma, xin-chun jia. further results on h∞ state estimation of static neural networks with time-varying delay, neurocomputing, 2018, 285:133-140.

[22] 贾新春*, 郑利红, 池小波, 张大伟. 一类非线性网络控制系统镇定的新方法. 自动化学报, 第35卷, 第11期, 1476-1480页, 2009.

[23] 马伟伟, 贾新春*, 张大伟. 双率采样系统的基于观测器的网络化h∞控制. 自动化学报, 第41卷, 第10期, 1788-1797页, 2015.

[24] xinchun jia, junhua zhao, dawei zhang*. l2-gain control for t-s fuzzy systems over an event-triggered communication network using delay decomposition and deviation bounds of membership functions. international journal of fuzzy systems, 18(5): 817-828, 2016.

[25] yanpeng guan, xiaohua ge*, xiefu jiang. cluster and local mode-dependent h¥ filtering for distributed markovian jump systems in lossy multi-sensor networks, iet signal processing, 2017, 11(3): 295-303.
